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We're looking at Christmas through the lens of Romans chapter 8. It is considered by many to be the greatest chapter in the Bible. It contains rich truth about the inner workings of Christmas, and it is all anchored in the amazing truth that "there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"...none.

December 27, 2020

Commitment Issues

Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: NONE Topic: God's Commitment, God's Love, Suffering, Trials, Persecution, Resistance to the Gospel Passage: Romans 8:31–39

December 20, 2020

It's Better

Speaker: Jeremy Williams Series: NONE Topic: Purpose, Holy Spirit Passage: Romans 8:26–30

December 13, 2020

Hope In Hard Times

Speaker: Ross Burns Series: NONE Topic: Suffering Passage: Romans 8:18–25

December 6, 2020

Identity Swap

Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: NONE Topic: Identity Passage: Romans 8:12–17

November 29, 2020


Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: NONE Topic: Freedom Passage: Romans 8:1–11