We're running a race. Our core values are things we want to celebrate and the things we want to see in our church. These are things that will take us to the finish line.
The Gospel is of utmost importance. It isn't just teaching, it's life. It's a lens to view everything in our life through. One of the primary jobs of The Church is to disciple and equip it's people for ministry and how to "apply the gospel" to their lives and how to view everything - our marriages, families, relationships, jobs, careers, current events, feelings, and personal trials - through the lens of the Gospel. We want to undergird everything we do with this question..."What does the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ mean for _________________?" You fill in the blank! (Click HERE for a more thorough explanation of this)
To be truly gospel-centered, we strongly believe that The Church has to keep what it does as simple as possible so the message of the Gospel doesn't get lost or watered down in our lives. Jesus didn't like to complicate things, neither do we. There are a lot of good things that we "could" do, but that doesn't mean that we "should" do them. We also shouldn't be afraid to cut the cord on things if they aren't bearing fruit and aligning with our mission. We should encourage our members to pursue a wide variety of ministry opportunities as they feel led by God, but as a church we should keep our focus on doing the few things that God has called us to do with excellence. In the same vein of simplicity, we aim to give you "space". Our desire is to keep events and programs at a minimum to free you up to invest in the ministry and relationships close to you - your marriage, your family, your neighborhood, your community, and your relationships with other Christians in the church and non-Christians.
When we keep Jesus and his Gospel at the center of everything, and when we keep what we do simple, it creates breathing room for authentic relationships! God designed us first for a relationship with Him, and He designed us for relationships with people. The Gospel shows us how to have not perfect relationships, but authentic, redemptive relationships. We strive to be an authentic community of people. We love people and are FOR people, and we love building relationships with people!
...When we keep the Gospel at the center of everything, when we keep what we do simple, and when we engage in authentic relationships with others, things happen!...
We aim to be personally restored. When we keep Jesus and His Gospel at the center of everything, when we keep what we do simple, and when we engage in authentic relationships around us, we transform and grow! We're not called to stand still. From the point at which we believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, God begins a process in which he restores us. Following Jesus is a dynamic relationship in which God continuouslly grows us into the likness of Christ and who He has designed us to be. This is done most fruitfully and effectively by immersing ourselves in Gods Word in community with each other not just on Sundays but Monday through Saturday as well.
We strive for unity. The gospel calls us into unity in our diversity. We want to be a unified community of people. We love and honor one another no matter what. Jesus loves the diversity of humanity, but he saw first and foremost all of our common humanity as image-bearers of God. As church community, we are also unified under the vision of Streamsong that is undergirded by the Gospel and the truth we discover in God's Word.
We stretch to be generous. The gospel calls us into generosity with our time, talents and treasures for the building up of our church community and the welfare of our surrounding community. Jesus was generous with us beyond measure. We should desire to be known as a generous church. Generosity is an act of good stewardship. Generosity is a language that cuts across all barriers and helps us connect with others around us. Streamsong should be a generous church and our people should be generous with all that they have.
We aim to be agents of restoration around us wherever we are. We're called to join God in what He is doing to bring restoration into the world by prayerfully identifying brokenness in our community and seeking ways to meet those needs. The Gospel calls us to seek the welfare of the community around us and serve both in the church and outside of the church. As the gospel grows in our hearts, God gives us the eyes and heart of Jesus that moves us towards others.
We aim to multiply. We don't want just an apple tree, rather we want an orchard or various "fruits" that are multiplying. We want to multiply the love of Christ, multiply disciples, multiply leaders, multiply preachers and teachers, and multiply biblical and missional communities. The end goal is to multiply churches - to start new churches that continue to bring the restoration of the Gospel to the community, region, and world. And all of this to the glory of God!
We love talking about what we value! If you have any questions and want to go deeper in understanding any of our values, let us know! You can start by emailing us at streamsong@streamsongchurch.com.