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We love reaching out! It's one of our core values - "restoration". As we personally experience restoration in Christ, we'll want to see restoration happen around us in our neighborhoods and communities. The Gospel informs us to seek the welfare of the community around us. It's our desire to be an intimate part of the Central Bucks community, a thread in its fabric. We envision a global and regional future, but let's not get ahead of ourselves! We first want to be faithful with the community right where we are - Central Bucks!

Streamsong Church is not a building or an organization, rather it is a collected group of followers of Jesus. A significant way we desire to impact our community is through the individuals who make up our church. We ask people to be consistent in joining the gathered body for Sunday worship as well as serving with a ministry team and committing time to a Small Group Bible study and 2-3 person discipleship relationships.  Beyond that - we want them out serving their community and developing relationships with their neighbors. We believe every Christian is called to serve their community and they shouldn't sit back to wait for the church leaders to plan, organize or create all of those opportunities.

Who we support and walk alongside depends on what the people in our church family are connecting into. This philosophy has given us opportunities to support organizations in an ongoing way like Mission Kids, North Penn Pregnancy Center, schools in the Central Bucks School District, and local food pantries.

Additionally, if a good organization is serving our community, we like to partner with them and help them to do it rather than create our own version of the same thing. We have or currently do partner with Discover Doylestown, Doylestown YMCA, Travis Manion Foundation, Central Bucks Senior Center, and Feed My Starving Children, in serving our community.

Not everything we do will have a specific Gospel connection, but we use all of these things as opportunities to display and share the Gospel with people. Any good deed that individuals in our church community do is a reflection of the greatest good that God has done for us in sending Jesus to die in our place on the cross. Our motivation should always be in response to what Jesus has already done for us. We don't do good deeds to earn God's love and we don't do them just because we think we're "good" people or because we want to be "good" people. We recognize that while we were sinners, Jesus died for us. Before we ever did anything good or bad, and even when we were undeserving of His love, He loved us. Now - as His love overflows in our hearts and our lives, the natural result is that we will share that love with those around us and care for the community in which He has placed us as His ambassadors.

Find out more about our outreach philosophy, what we've already done, what we're doing now, what we want to do, and what we envision for outreach at Streamsong Church by sending us an email at streamsong@streamsongchurch.com!