Authentication Process
April 14, 2019 Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: Cross Over
Topic: Gospel, Love for God, Idols Passage: Genesis 22:1–18
Authentication of our faith is not demonstrated by the fervor of our prayers, the emotionalism of our worship, or the intensity of our witness. There is only one way to authenticate our faith: Obedience. When God gives a command, do we carry it out? Do we obey Him even when it makes no sense? If we say we love Him, we will obey Him, no matter what. Our life is best lived when God has no rival & we’re obedient, but what gets in the way of obedience? Idols, and loving them more than God. It's impossible to love God more out of sheer will. The only way to pull us from our idols is for God to authenticate His love and faithfulness for us.
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