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Another Way to Read Scripture


The PURPOSE OF THIS is to equip you for the work of ministry in your own life and in your own family, as well as to empower you to take ownership of reading God’s Word in your personal life. Also, we want to provide a tool for you to use in discipling relationships.

Why the S.P.E.C.K. method? Reading the words on the page is not enough; We often read but we don’t know what to look for. We need to identify and tap into the spirit behind the Word by knowing what to look for. We need to learn how to best uncover the riches of God’s Word and bring out it’s fruit into our lives. SPECK is a helpful tool to understand scripture in a way that bears much fruit in your life.

  1. Sin - Is there a sin to avoid?
  2. Promise - Is there a promise to know?
  3. Example - Is there an example to follow and learn from?
  4. Command - Is there a command to obey?
  5. Knowledge - Is there knowledge of Christ to understand?

Is there a SIN to avoid?
Why is this something to look for when we read scripture? Why is identifying sin so important? God wants us to live a certain way. God hates sin. Sin separates us from God. In Christ, despite our sin, we are no longer positionally separated from God, however sin hinders/stunts our growth. Also, Satan can use our sin to oppress us. Sin also destroys us. Also, identifying sin helps us identify God’s grace.

Is there a PROMISE from God?
Why is this something to look for when we read scripture? Why are God’s promises so important? Joel Beeke and Mark Jones say it very well in their book, “A Puritan Theology: Doctrine of Life”. The promises are the pathways where Christ meets the soul (p.401). The promises are instrumental in the coming together of Christ and the soul (p.401). Nothing is so excellent, so precious, and so sweet as a promise of God (p.405). The promises guide & lead us to Christ, for there is not a single promise that does not cry out to us in a loud voice, “O, come to Christ!” and there is no access to Jesus but by a promise (p.406). Promises are the objects of faith, through which they feed, nurture, & sustain every other grace (p.406). God’s promises are the chief aids to our life & our growth (p.406). It is of great importance to every believer not to be negligent & careless in the frequent use, and due application of the promises (p.407).

Is there an EXAMPLE to follow?
Is there an example in the scripture or somewhere else in scripture? Is there an example of somebody acting contrary to the example or consistent with the example elsewhere in scripture. Most importantly, do we see an example from Jesus. Why is this something to look for when we read scripture? Examples show us patterns; Examples show us what is possible with God. Examples from Christ show us why we can trust him.

Is there a COMMAND to obey?
Why is this something to look for when we read scripture? Knowing what TO DO (command to obey) is just as important as knowing what NOT TO DO (sin).
What does obedience to the command look like in my life? How would it benefit my life?
Obedience always brings us blessing and greater faith. God never commands things of us contrary to His nature, therefore His commands are always good and right, and we need to search them!

Is there KNOWLEDGE of Christ to understand?
Why is this something to look for when we read scripture? Knowing God is the ultimate purpose in ourt life. What is God like? What are His attributes? What does He do? If we want to know what God is like, we look at Jesus. Knowing his character, how he thinks, what he says and what he does. What does He like and dislike? What is His attitude?

All five of these won’t always be in every text you read. But there are many where they are! Be blessed in your scripture reading!