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Thanks, But No Thanks

February 3, 2019 Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: Cross Over

Topic: Choices, Temptations, Decisions Passage: Genesis 14:17–24

Life is about initiative and saying “Yes” to many things. But it’s also very much about restraint and saying “No” to many things. It is filled with subtle temptations and seemingly innocent offers. In the collision of right and wrong and temptations, many of the lines between them are blurred in the world, yet our lives are often made or broken on them. Wrong doesn’t always look wrong to us. What God says is dangerous doesn’t always seem dangerous. Evil doesn’t always appear so evil in our eyes. It's too much for our natural eyes to discern. We are not wise or strong enough to navigate in our own strength. If we think we can, it will catch up to us. We need wisdom, protection and a way out, not just from external temptations but from our own weakness, blindness and wandering hearts.

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