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Origin Story

When watching a character arc unfold over many movies, it's easy to forget the fundamentals of that character, the story, who they are, and why they're doing that they're doing. It pays to go back to the first movie or the “origin story” and remind ourselves of those fundamentals. It pays to remind ourself of to learn altogether what this is all about, when you peel back the many layers that have built up, what is the core? In a sense, we’re doing that with Jesus in Jesus’ “origin story”. We will learn or be reminded of the fundamentals about who Jesus is, our faith, what it all means in how we should live today.

December 22, 2019

Strength & Weakness

Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: Origin Story Topic: Gospel, Birth of Christ Passage: Matthew 2:1–23

December 15, 2019

Confronting Our Fears

Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: Origin Story Topic: Fear, Gospel, Birth of Christ Passage: Matthew 1:18–25

December 8, 2019

Genealogy of Jesus

Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: Origin Story Topic: Birth of Christ, Gospel, Family Disfunction, Gods Humanity Passage: Matthew 1:1–16