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Faith That Works

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Faith That Works

James: Faith that Works is a series of 12 messages in the Book of James. James didn't write his letter to any specific church, but intended it to be circulated throughout many churches in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). James addresses issues that were common to all Christians, that impacted congregations wherever they were. James’ intention was to challenge them and show them what faith and the Christian life actually looks like. The Gospel informs us & gives us power to live a certain way, think a certain way, relate with people a certain way. It’s a letter about faith in action; Genuine faith involves commitment expressed through actions. The Church is infinitely powerful, yet it is nowhere near as influential as it could be b/c we don’t live out our faith. We fail to connect our faith to our daily life; Either we don’t want to, or we’re not taught how to. James shows us that faith and our daily life do intersect and are supposed to intersect. The Book of James is also of unique significance because James was the brother of Jesus. He knew more about Jesus than anybody. He grew up with Jesus, he was raised in same house, saw him live out his identity. As a result, if anybody was able to see how faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ connects to our daily, practical life, it's James.

December 16, 2018

Are You Marked?

Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: Faith That Works Topic: Living Faith Passage: James 5:13–20

December 9, 2018

Patience in Suffering

Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: Faith That Works Topic: Suffering, Patience Passage: James 5:7–12

November 18, 2018

Humility in the Lords Will

Speaker: Ross Burns Series: Faith That Works Topic: Gods Will, Planning Passage: James 4:13–17

November 11, 2018

Fight Club

Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: Faith That Works Topic: Anxiety, Submission to God, Quarreling & Fighting Passage: James 4:1–12

November 4, 2018

Wisdom From Above

Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: Faith That Works Topic: Wisdom Passage: James 3:13–18

October 28, 2018

More Than Words

Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: Faith That Works Topic: Words Passage: James 3:1–12

October 21, 2018

Dead Beat Faith

Speaker: Charles Blachford Series: Faith That Works Topic: Working Faith Passage: James 2:14–26

October 14, 2018

Don't Receive the Face

Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: Faith That Works Topic: Partiality, Discrimination Passage: James 1:27– 2:13

October 7, 2018

Quick & Slow

Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: Faith That Works Topic: Anger Passage: James 1:18–26

September 23, 2018

The Way Up is Down

Speaker: Brian Dobak Series: Faith That Works Topic: Suffering