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Posts by Streamsong Church

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Film & Theology

Culture is never so bad that it can't be redeemed, nor so good that it can't be critiqued. As we carefully and wisely engage with our culture, it's critical for us to be able to identify what is and what is not consistent with biblical truth and the gospel, so we do not conform to the pattern of this world (Romans 12:2). "Film & Theology" will consist of the viewing of a f...

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Prayer Ministry

A group meeting together for prayer over Zoom! ...

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Doylestown Ladies streamGROUP

A community of ladies that try to gather on a bi-weekly basis for fellowship and bible study....

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Central Doylestown streamGROUP

The Wednesday night streamGROUP meets for bible study, fellowship, and prayer....

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Northeast Doylestown streamGROUP

This streamGROUP gathers together during the week of bible study, prayer and fellowship....

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Warrington/Willow Grove/Hatboro streamGROUP

A Thursday night streamGROUP meets for bible study, fellowship, and prayer....

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Motivations for Obedience


As a parent, what motivations for obedience are you teaching your children. Even if you don’t have children, what motivations for obedience to God in your marriage, relationships, friendships, or work, are you instilling in yourself?...

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5 Steps To Take When You've Been Wronged By Somebody


We're living in a highly charged culture right now. We're at each others throats. If you proclaim Jesus as your Lord & Savior, there is a way to handle when you've been wronged by somebody, and there is a way not to....

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Christian Faith, Politics & Unity


A statement from Streamsong Church about our role as followers of Jesus in the political and cultural climate of our country....

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A Graceful & Patient God


Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinnersof whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. 1 Timothy 1:15-16 Paul wrote those word...

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Of Kings, Temples, and Envy

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I'll admit, I had forgotten how boring Chronicles was. Usually I think of Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers as being hard to get through, but 1 Chronicles really had me slogging. I had already committed to writing a blog post and was thinking, "How in the world am I going to find something applicable in this somewhat repetitive narrative??" Of course, it was no fault of ...

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God of the Quarantine


I write this as COVID-19 is raging and we are under a "stay at home" mandate. I'm unsure what day it is at this point. I miss in-person interaction. And coffee shops. And working in the hospital not wondering if I'll be the next patient. I also miss the ignorance of not thinking communicable diseases could take out my friends and family. I find myself grumbling at life's c...

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1 Peter: Homecoming


If you're nostalgic, raise your hand (I just did). My wife makes fun of me for being so nostalgic. In his book, 'The Prodigal God", Tim Keller talks about how the concept of "home" exercises a powerful influence over us. Strong feelings of sentimentality surround our idea of "home", a place that fits us and suits us. People spend billions of dollars annually to visit the c...

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Crack the Code on Peace in Tribulation


Learn how the Gospel (the cross) functionally gives us a peace in the midst of a fading and broken world!...

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Marriage (Or Any Relationship) During COVID19 Isolation


Things getting chippy? Married couples, you're spending a lot more time than usual with each other during this COVID19 time of isolation. As a result, you might be exprreincing more friction than usual. Accept this as a reminder for you. We hope this ministers to you and helps you navigate the day-to-day..."For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received...

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What I Learned in Serving Sunday Morning


This past Sunday morning, we got out of the routine of our comfort zone in our Sunday morning services and instead during that time, we served in the community with Discover Doylestown in a street cleanup project in which we walked, armed with gloves and trash bags, through the streets of Doylestown picking up litter. We did this because we believe that Church is not just ...

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Hate Has a Home in the World


When we believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and follow him, Jesus says that the world is going to hate us as we bear witness about him. How do we make sense of that intimidating truth? What is the proper way to respond to it? And how does the Cross help us share and live out our faith in the midst of a world that is hostile to us? ...

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Seesaw of Life


We often stroll through life thinking everything will be fine until suddenly, it isn’t. We easily slip into thoughts like, “I’m solid. I’m on top of things. I’ve got it nailed. I’ve planned well. I’m secure.” How easy it is for us to slip back into self-confidence by thinking of God’s favor as a right we have somehow earned. When things go suddenly wrong,...

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How to Disciple Somebody


One of the last things Jesus said to the disciples before he ascended to heaven was this, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the ...

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Why Should I Tithe?


What is "tithing"? What does it have to do with Jesus? Why should I engage in it?...

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Why Should I Tithe?


What is "tithing"? What does it have to do with Jesus? Why should I engage in it?...

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Results vs. Process


What is success in Ministry? What’s a “win” look like? How do we measure success?...

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How to Read Scripture


by Pastor Brian Dobak, Streamsong ChurchReading the Bible can be simple. God has given us His Word in such plain terms, that on one hand, it's simple to comprehend. But on another hand, it can be confusing, particularly depending on what book of the Bible you read. There are various ways to read scripture. The following is just one way to extract what God wants to say to y...

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Lens Crafting


In trying to live the life God wants us to live, our problem may not be what we’re looking at, rather it may be what we’re NOT looking at. ...

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Another Way to Read Scripture


The PURPOSE OF THIS is to equip you for the work of ministry in your own life and in your own family, as well as to empower you to take ownership of reading God's Word in your personal life. Also, we want to provide a tool for you to use in discipling relationships. Why the S.P.E.C.K. method?Reading the words on the page is not enough; We often read but we don't know what...

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Purpose In The Procession


Are you having a hard time reconciling your every day life with the victory that Jesus has brought to us on the cross? ...

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Hiding Places


When the heat is on, where do you hide? Where you hide is the difference between moving forward and lagging behind....

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Face the Facts


What's holding you back may not be your limitations but your lack of belief in God's capabilities...

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Finishing Touches


Following Jesus is a process. God started something in us and He promises to finish it!...

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The Chase


Do you feel like you're being chased? When you start chasing after Jesus, what's chasing you is left in the dust....

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